New 5th Doctor figures

Just been released, new version of Peter Davison’s 5th Doctor along with the same era’s Master incarnation (as played so well by the late Anthony Ainley). I really want these for my desk to go next to my Tom Baker figure; Baker then Davison were the main two Doctors when I was growing up, so they’re always going to be ‘my’ Docs.

And at the same time there’s a new figure of Davison’s Doctor as he first appeared right after the regeneration scene at the end of Baker’s swansong in Logopolis/start of Davison’s first story, Castrovalva (since the former lead directly into the latter), the Doctor now regenerated into his new form but still clad in the previous incarnation’s clothes (Baker’s later period costume of the long, burgundy coat and matching scarf):

Jon Pertwee Green Death Doctor Who figure

Loving this new classic Doctor Who action figure with the late, great Jon Pertwee from the Green Death (the last story that featured Katy Manning’s Jo Grant):

Not to mention the manically grinning Tom Baker from The Pyramids of Mars: